Do you already know the NAWIFLEX grinding technology concentrate?


With our Premium Customer Support you can:
• 1 preventive intervention for a check-up of your machine
• Priority intervention in cases of machine downtime or serious failures
• Delivery of spare parts with express mode
• Apply a 10% discount on all offered spare parts
• Access to our ONLINE-Shop in matter to buy directly the spare parts you need, receiving immediately a voucher of another 10%, that can be used on your following order.

Thanks to our large netwotrk of customers and partners in all Europe we are in the favoured position to have a constant availability of used and retrofitted grinding machines for competive prices. Each grinding machine is previously checked by our maintenance staff and will be offered as machine with warranty. Without lack of services or any other bad surprises.

The machine check includes more than 50 check points which we will control precisely the main characteristics of the mchine geometry, the grinding wheel spindle, the workhead, the tailstock, the machine table and obviously as well the electronic accessories like balancing systems, GAP control, measuring systems
About us

NAWI-MQP, your specialist for complete machining process in maximum precision. Our longterm experience, combined with a modern and versatile machines, warrants for a maximum of quality in all machining operations i.e. turning, milling or finishing operations in processes like grinding, honing or wiring. We are working steel, casting carbide tools.

Our services are covering all highly exact machine parts as for example spindles, guide way sledges, components of clamping systems, swivelling units and hydraulic components.
Spare parts

As registered customer applying to one of our maintenance contracts you can enjoy our favourable service actions, as for example: Fast shipment of all needed spare parts by express service in 24 hours (if available on our stock).